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Focus of the Month Newsletter


Empowering Learners with a Growth Mindset

As a preceptor, be mindful of the need to not only impart medical knowledge to your learners, but to also foster their growth and help them increase their confidence. One highly effective approach to achieving this is by encouraging your learners to adopt a growth mindset. A growth mindset helps learners understand that intelligence, character, and abilities are not fixed traits, but can be developed through challenges and perseverance.

To cultivate a growth mindset, encourage your learners to challenge themselves in the clinic, and to assess the experience afterwards. Through multiple feedback sessions, they can learn from their mistakes, as well as recall their past successes. Because medicine is an ever-evolving field, embracing new challenges—such as researching a new AI tool or learning a new EHR—is an ever-present opportunity. Create an environment where your learners feel safe to discuss their discoveries, their concerns, and any uncertainty they might feel. By engaging in this way, you can inspire your learners to share ideas openly and reach independent conclusions, rather than merely accepting answers or diagnoses from others. To learn more about how you can implement these strategies and support your learners in developing a growth mindset, click the link below.

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More Pages Related to Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Here are three pages you can use to continue learning about the growth mindset.

Visit the Focus of the Month Archive
Learning Paths

Not sure where to start? Here's where to go if...

If you're a resident who is expected to teach medical students, follow this path to learn best practices and techniques for precepting.

If you're a new preceptor, follow this path to get a crash course in precepting.

If you're an established preceptor, follow this path to learn advanced tips and techniques.

If a new learner is about to join your practice, follow this path to make their transition into your practice go smoothly.

If wish to read all available pages in the competency domain Teacher and Professionalism, follow this path.

If wish to read all available pages in the competency domain Teacher and Learner, follow this path.

If wish to read all available pages in the competency domain Teacher and Assessment, follow this path.

If wish to read all available pages in the competency domain Teacher and Content, follow this path.

If wish to read all available pages in the competency domain Teacher and Environment, follow this path.

Use This Resource to Provide Your Preceptors With ABFM Performance Improvement Credits

Did you know you can use Teaching Physician to help you participate in the ABFM Precepting Performance Improvement program? First, use the Self-Assessment Tool to identify areas of faculty need, then build faculty development to meet those needs.

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Read a Sample Page from the Site, or Watch a Sample Video

With over 180 pages on the site, it was hard to choose just one. Click the link below to read our "Motivating Residents to Teach" page.