Model Professional Behavior for Your Learners
When a learner enters your clinic, you teach them more than medical procedures or how to treat a variety of patients; you also teach them what it means to identify as a physician by modeling professional behavior. Because a learner’s professional identity is often learned by observation, it’s critical that you position yourself as a strong role model by demonstrating the norms and values of medicine.
A learner’s professional outlook and consequent behavior will affect their future success, their relationships with their patients, and health outcomes for those patients. As you teach your learners, strive to inspire their professional development by modeling respect for others, empathy, and trustworthiness. Demonstrate how caring for the patient with respect and dignity is a constant priority. Finally, model self-reflection and remember to share your enthusiasm for your profession with learners.
More About Professional Behavior
While the Professionalism section is entirely devoted to professionalism, other pages throughout the site can also help you model professional behavior: